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Our Mission

We want to showcase the magic of Portuguese olive oil and elevate olive oil from commodity to craft in the process.

Our Story

From Boulder, Colorado to Portugal, Wildly Virgin is the story of a leap of faith and finding a new and unexpected path.

A photo of luggage before a flight to Portugal

The Move

Four years ago, in the middle of the pandemic, we moved from Boulder, CO to Portugal with our three kids. Not knowing anyone in the country, and unsure if we could even get in, it was a true leap of faith.

An old olive tree with cars parked around it and a traditional Portuguese building behind it


We settled into a new life, with a new language and customs and along this journey we discovered something that we had taken for granted, but was a revelation in Portugal: olive oil. Olive oil like we had never tasted, from wild small farms with incredibly old trees, where you can taste apples and grass. It's used in every dish and it's magic.

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Joao filling tasting cups with fresh olive oils to try


We met incredibly passionate producers balancing their desire to hold onto old traditions, practices, and olive varietals, while also modernizing and fighting the effects of climate change. As we heard their stories and tasted their olive oils, we knew we wanted to share their stories and the magic of Portuguese olive oil with friends and family.

Watercolor painting of the Wildly Virgin logo in blue

An idea

This desire to share these incredibly rich olive oils and stories gave rise to Wildly Virgin. Our hope is that we can introduce more people to the world of Portuguese olive oil and support these small, independent producers in the process. The world of olive oil is getting commoditized, yet in this far-flug corner of Europe they are still producing something special.